Thursday, 4 November 2010

Operation Potter

Due to the coming of the latetest Harry Potter film, some friends and me decided to put our mark on this last moments throught the HP movement (I mean the end of the book series and movies). So, we thought of using our art facilities to leave this mark we wanted.
The idea that came up was about drawing and printing HP pictures like Dobby or Voldemort and then make as many copy as our pocket could afford, so then stick them all over our University and around our city. We were very excited about this but we got even more excited when someone started to answer our drawings with a little paper with the Deathly Hollow's simbol and the inscription "The end is near"... I think it was then when we began to feel that what we were doing was going to be big.
Yesterday I created a group on Facebook for this movement and it immediately started to receive applicants. We were so thrilled, so freaking happy!!!
So yes, as Harry Potter fans we took the matter in our hands and then turn it on art and free expression... a message to the world that for us -Harry Potter fans- this books are not just random novels but our very own childhoods, books with great and valuable lessons that marked our lifes for ever.

Here's the link to Operation Potter: Operation Potter
Check it out!!!

Alright... this is everyhting for now.
Have a nice week!

Today I've learn: I like to talk with mystery!!
