La galería de Luce Sitta en Flickr.
My Art ♥
Yesterday started, officially, SUMMER! :)
This summer, even more than the others before this, I'm back to my illustrations and drawings and paintings -not that I left them but I wasn't drawing for myself but for University and it is not the same thing, not at all, so...-. I'm creating so much that when night comes I am extremely exhausted and have no energy, not even for a tiny dream.
Some months ago I created my Flickr page and I've been unploading my art, it's a great place to find great artist and awesome inspiration! If you wanna check it out and comment or whatever you want, you are welcome to do it. Oh, and as I guess you know, I'm still on my "photo inspired" project which was to take a picture and draw it, re-inventing the people on it or giving it some message. So, if you'd like to be drawn or you'd like to surprise someone with their own illustration just send me your photos to my email ( and I'll be drawing it soon.
Christmas: Well, as a since forever Christmas' lover I could not not write something about it in here, right?
This year, it seems to me, that Christmas came faster, like it was in a hurry for a good and fun celebration after a long and also fast year of work and new experiences. We are already two days from that wonderful and joyful night and I am not ready yet. Why not ready? well, because I haven't bought/made all the presents nor I bought all the ingredients for my cookings, neither fully decorated my home. Nevertheless, I am already full of that mysterious tickling feeling that every Christmas Eve comes down from the sky and embrace us with lights and joy and love. I love it, it reminds me when I was little and I'd got all nervous and excited waiting for Father Christmas and not his presents exactly, but that feeling that he brought meaning that it was a good year and that a new year would come soon to start over and continue some things or end some others.
Alright, I think this is everything for now. Yeah. I'll go back to my drawing, I'm doing an especial "Merry Xmas" illustration and I wanna finish it before I get to travel to the city and but all the ingredients for my cooking that I have left.
I won't be posting until after this weekend so:
Lots of love and twinkling stars.
PD: Today I've learn: I haven't forgotten how to paint with colour pencils (it's been a long time I don't use them!*) ♥