Thursday, 22 December 2011

Flickr + Art + Summer

Ergy triangleWashing machineHora dulceDos de azúcarSí, macitasEnergy tea BailemosCerca tuyoHe looked at meLuchame!!Twinkle girlKaos Morfina ChangoMe derrito!!!!!Chica-devora corazonesTenía el pelo largo, muy largo.O MIO BABBINO CAROMY SHARONA ME HACES BIENI DON'T WANNA MISS A THINGI don't wanna miss a thingGOODBYE MY LOVERDREAM A LITTLE DREAM OF MEL'Amour

La galería de Luce Sitta en Flickr.

My Art ♥

Yesterday started, officially, SUMMER! :)

This summer, even more than the others before this, I'm back to my illustrations and drawings and paintings -not that I left them but I wasn't drawing for myself but for University and it is not the same thing, not at all, so...-. I'm creating so much that when night comes I am extremely exhausted and have no energy, not even for a tiny dream.

Some months ago I created my Flickr page and I've been unploading my art, it's a great place to find great artist and awesome inspiration! If you wanna check it out and comment or whatever you want, you are welcome to do it. Oh, and as I guess you know, I'm still on my "photo inspired" project which was to take a picture and draw it, re-inventing the people on it or giving it some message. So, if you'd like to be drawn or you'd like to surprise someone with their own illustration just send me your photos to my email ( and I'll be drawing it soon.

Christmas: Well, as a since forever Christmas' lover I could not not write something about it in here, right?
This year, it seems to me, that Christmas came faster, like it was in a hurry for a good and fun celebration after a long and also fast year of work and new experiences. We are already two days from that wonderful and joyful night and I am not ready yet. Why not ready? well, because I haven't bought/made all the presents nor I bought all the ingredients for my cookings, neither fully decorated my home. Nevertheless, I am already full of that mysterious tickling feeling that every Christmas Eve comes down from the sky and embrace us with lights and joy and love. I love it, it reminds me when I was little and I'd got all nervous and excited waiting for Father Christmas and not his presents exactly, but that feeling that he brought meaning that it was a good year and that a new year would come soon to start over and continue some things or end some others.

Alright, I think this is everything for now. Yeah. I'll go back to my drawing, I'm doing an especial "Merry Xmas" illustration and I wanna finish it before I get to travel to the city and but all the ingredients for my cooking that I have left.

I won't be posting until after this weekend so:

Lots of love and twinkling stars.

PD: Today I've learn: I haven't forgotten how to paint with colour pencils (it's been a long time I don't use them!*) ♥

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Un mes feliz

Bien, como dice el título de este post: "Un mes feliz". Diciembre es así para mí porque significa el final de las clases en la Facultad, armar el arbolito de Navidad, Noche Buena, Fin de Año, meterse a la gloriosa pileta, juntarse con amigos y meterse en más piletas, comer cosas que no comes durante ningún mes del año y finalizar otro año más, que bueno o malo siempre es un alivio que termine.

Como siempre desde que empecé la carrera que amo -Bellas Artes- antes de que termine el año y de que definitivamente empiecen mis vacaciones voy a las librerias de la ciudad y me lleno de papeles, fibras, pinturas y cosas que seguramente arruinaré en las vacaciones. Léase: usar hasta hartarse!
Me gusta preparar el arbolito el mismo 8 de Diciembre y después, de ahí en adelante, pasar ratos libres haciendo decoraciones (sí sí, a mano!) para la casa, preparar todo no solo un día sino dos semanas hasta Noche Buena. Este año: ORIGAMI! guirnaldas de origami, centros de mesa de origami, servilletas de origami, etc. ORIGAMI! ♥ Y como el año pasado, voy a invitar a mis primitos a que vengan a casa a cocinar las galletitas que vamos a comer durante las fiestas y que vamos a poner bajo el árbol para Papá Noel junto con un vaso de leche. Es realmente divertido cocinar con ellos, verlos decorar cada galletita como si fuese un tesoro, ayudarlos a que se limpien los dedos y las bocas después de probar un poquito de todo "para ver cómo salió" y después robarnos unas cuantas y comerlas con un rico té o leche.

A fin de año me ocurre también que se me vienen mil y un proyectos para empezar en el año nuevo. Me lleno de una extraña energía que se acumula en mi garganta y que me deja terriblemente inquieta, hago varias cosas a la vez y me acuesto a la noche intranquila para levantarme a la mañana siguiente más inquieta todavía! Las vacaciones es lo que más se parece a lo que va a ser el resto de mi vida: Una búsqueda y una aventura permanente! Y el año que viene, creo, va a ser una Gran Aventura asi que imaginense mi persona yendo y viniendo por toda la casa con tela, ovillos de lana, papeles, fibras, y demás materiales que llenan la mesa del comedor, a un costado de ellas me siento yo con una taza de té, y mis manos que se empiezan a mover cual máquina de espontaneidad... realmente muy divertido! :)

En fin, les quería dejar este video del sountrack de Las Crónicas de Narnia que me gusta mucho y que siempre siempre siempre me deja un gustito hermoso adentro.

Nos leemos màs cerca de Navidad, seguro, con fotos de lo que se está volviendo mi casa :P

Hoy aprendí: salir a caminar a la mañana te deja con doble energía para el resto del día!
Bon chance!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

¡Ouch, me quemé la lengua!

Peeero, me acabo de quemar la lengua con el mate! Changos!
En fin, hoy no tengo ganas de escribir en inglés asi que le doy al castellano, gente! Y sí, volvamos a mi lengua madre!!

Desaparecida del blog por muuucho tiempo! creo que esta vez vuelvo en castellano, tengo épocas de idiomas, al igual que todo.
¿Qué estuve haciendo? Facultad, la respuesta es Facultad. Trabajos prácticos, parciales y millones de cumpleaños ¿cómo es que todo el mundo parece haber nacido en Noviembre? Lo bueno es que al parecer se me despertó algo adentro: artística y emocionalmente. A fin de año suele sucederme que me acontece todo, me encanta alguna persona y se me ocurren mil ideas para probar nuevas técnicas en dibujo o pintura o me entras muchas ganas de coser y diseñar.
Gracias a Odín, ayer empecé un curso de Stencil y por la Madre Tierra que está buenisimo! Además, el lugar donde se dictan las clases: No te metas con Raimundo tiene una atmósfera artística de dibujo-diseño-graffiti que es fantástica y super inspiradora, además de dos gatitos super adorables que se la pasaban caminando por encima de nuestros stenciles :) Como iba diciendo, este curso me está calmando las ganas de agarrar cualquier cosa y crear crear crear... lo cual todavía no puedo hacer porque, como seguro se imaginarán, estoy en medio de parciales y entregas finales; así que este curso me hace bien, goody good.

Estoy, también, más cinéfila que de costumbre, película que me encuentro o recomiendan película que veo... ME ENCANTAN! Por ejemplo, entre ayer y hoy vi Resident Evil (que ya había visto pero la repetí porque adoro a Milla Jovovich), Cuatro Bodas y un Funeral y recién terminó Main Street. Entre otras cosas, gracias a Cuevana me estoy deborando series como 2 Broke Girls, New Girl y poniéndome al día con Glee. Sí, bastante!

Y por supuesto, esta es la época del año en la que me empiezan a surgir proyectos nuevos de los cuales les voy a contar uno solo porque es el que más o menos está decidido. Un desfile, oh yeah, un desfile para fin de año 2012 junto a una compañera de la facu que es una artista y diseñadora muy grosa!! Así sí, eso, tenemos que arreglar detalles y etc pero las ganas están y eso ya es suficiente!

Cosas de ahora: haciendo un trabajo para la cátedra de Fotografía e Imagen digital de la facu... Tipografías con vectores, de las cuales más adelante sabrán más. Hum, mucho dibujo e ilustración también, trabajando en posters de películas a partir de canciones románticas para una entrega final, y LA MUJER para la cátedra de Pintura III, también trabajo final. Tengo una semana y media para hacer todo eso -que es mega bastante(?- pero con muchísima energía y ganas de ensuciarme! :P

Algo más? Ah, sí, la imagen de este post, mi mate nuevo, diseño de Vajilla Dibujada
También tenía un collar especial que acabo de comprar a un amigo artesano -Kin Joyería Artesanal- pero mi querida Olivia (sí, mi cámara tiene nombre!) está sin batería asi que a esa se las debo...

Algo más? Sí, quiero comprar vestidos, shorts y remeras remeras remeras para este verano! Ah, y espero vender cuadros para poder irme de vacaciones a Bariloche... EN TREN!! Si alguien esta interesado en el arte entonces pásense por Du Freaks que hay variedad de estilos para elegir!

Hoy aprendí: que quiero armar una revolución artística. Y lo voy a hacer!
Besos y lucesitas de navidad ♥

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Here comes the sun

did not have anything new to tell you, my dear readers, nor anything to show you either. Now, this last week, I awake my spirit and I'm drawing and illustrating and creating a lot.
I asked some friends, some boggers and mr. Google some pictures to draw, people from the world that I put down in paper and colours. I opened a Flickr account and I posted some of the illustrations I already made! Check it out, maybe you are part of my art and you don't know it yet!!! :3

by me ♥

What else??
We're starting to feel the heat of the upcoming Spring, trees and flowers are blooming and I am already sneezing because of pollen. People dare to use brighter colours and smiles are coming out from scarves and jackets. I love Winter but th reborn of nature with Spring is something soooo wonderful that I cannot stop feeling the new energy from mother Earth :)
Anyway. This new Fickr account and my nonstoping illustration were the things I wanted to let you know for now. If you want to be drawn, please send me the picture to my email account
with your name and your blog :)

Have a great week!
Kisses and colours!
Today I've learn: some people DO grow up!


Thursday, 28 July 2011


The other day the city woke up this dense mist. Scary!

My cat yesterday's afternoon.
Well, exams are far behind and half of my Winter holidays as well.
Secret: I like to dissapear during holidays. I love to just stay at home and draw and paint and sew and go walk in the neighbourhood taking pictures of... stuff. Is my way of feeling free of everything and everyone. Of course, many people (especially some of my friends) hate that but I just hope one day they'll understand that THIS is what I do, the only way to feel free and extremely happy all the time.

Anyways, I have been doing, not much really... except of drawing (a lot) and thinking (a lot) and go over to my cousin's house (a lot) and having fun in this hermit little-short holidays I'm having. I watched a lot of movies as well, and today I have 1, 2, 3,... 14 movies to watch. OMG! Well, yeah, part of them are just for inspiring, the rest are for personal enjoyment :)

I'll be seeking in your blogs for pretty pictures to draw so... be happy! you'll de draw by me :P
Nah, seriously, I'll take pictures from your blogs (with your permission, of course) and then draw them in my sketch book aaaaaand after that I'll post them in here.

What else?? My, I thought I'd had more to tell you but it seems not.

Today I've learn: I'm a bit of a crazy person.
Hugs and stars.


Saturday, 18 June 2011

Inspiration Day: Xul Solar

Weather: cold, windy and rainy.

This week the weather was just perfect, just the way I like it... with all nature dancing in the cold wind and inspiration coming down on me with every raindrop :) But I my throat aches!
Anyways, it was a good week, I went with my Drawing class IV (from Uni) to the Natural Science Museum (here in La Plata, Buenos Aires) and it was really awesome. I've always loved going to the museum, and drawing and taking pictures there was something I was longing to do for a while. Bees, beatles, butterflies, birds... I love drawing fauna, it's like, don't know, just fun to do it and it kind of teaches me a lot about figures and body structure.
It was a good week also because I finally decided what to do (regarding my life and likes and etc); so, next year I'm gonna start an other new career: "Political Science and International relations" which will let me develop the social side of me I was always eager to express (not sure if that is the right word!). And, that I want to take Fashion designing more seriously and make a living out of it by designing Prêt à Porter and a casual brand with t-shirts, shirts and hoodies alone (more like Ready to wear).

Hum... the inspiration for this "Inspiration Day" is an argentinian artist named Xul Solar which is not a recent discovery but I am digging in his work (homework for Uni) and I really love his vanguardist way of painting. He worked mainly with worlds and creatures he invented himself, flags related to argentine nationalism and some other cool stuff.
I leave you the link to his Museum (for he was one of our greatest artist back in the early 20th century) if you wanna know more about him.

butterflies from the museum

my drawing at the Museum

"Marina" by Xul Solar

My latest acquisitions... aren't they cute?? ♥
-the moon stone ring (made by an artisan friend) and some hair clips-

So, this is everything for now.
It's rainging heavily outside and thunders and lightnings are all shaking the sky... I love it!
Have a great weekend!

Today I've learn: pizza and chatting 'til 7 am with friends is so bloody good!
Kisses and raindrops.


Saturday, 11 June 2011

Inspiration Day: Fashion Film "The Curve of Forgotten Things"

I found this just now and I loved it.
I absolutely love Rodarte and Elle Fanning, and put them together is just genious!

I think today is gonna be one of those "Inspiration day", you know, one those days that have the perfect weather, the perfect pictures, the perfect picture or video (like this one) and just gather and inlight your mind and heart... I want to draw, and illustrate, I want to sew and read and take pictures, I want to listen to music and travel and walk. Oh, but I got homework... which I'll do right away... after I finish this "Inspiration day" :) (naughty!)

This week was not very exciting, nothing interesting happened nor I did anything cool. I guess all those cool things that should have been spread along the week are now in one box today, Saturday... the day of fun! ^^
I think, I think I'm gonna create "Saturday: Inspiration Day" in this blog... yeahp. It'll be fun to do and it could make me post more often. Ok, yeah, I declare today: June 11th 2011 that from now on every saturday will be "Saturday: Inspiration Day" in this blog. (claps*!!!) Oh, I'm already excited! :)

(Something singular to add to this post) Yesterday I wore make-up, red lipstick and mascara... I am not used to wear any but as I was very bored I decided to put a little adventure to my personal style and... well, went out with some nice make-up on. People liked it (surprise!) so I guess I'm gonna start using once in a while, just for a change.

Alright, this is everything for now folks... I guess (who nows what kind of Inspiration may possess me this Inspiration Day!)
Have a great weekend!!!

Today I've learn: making a short film as a fashion lookbook is a good idea.
Kisses and sun rays

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Cold early mornings

"Perfectly Perfect" by Elizabeth and the Catapult
The morning is about to end in about two hours and I already found two awesomeness: this video which is so cute and funny, and a japanese designer who is just amazing... Everlasting Sprout... check it out, his designs are very artistic and he creates very appealing figures: a mix between classic, mori-girl and modern design using mostly wool and organic fabrics.

by Everlasting Sprout
I had a very very very long and exhausted week, very! Nonetheless, yesterday I brought home two of my friends to finish the photoshoot for the expo I have next month at my fashion design course. It was an extremely cold morning -which was perfect really- but we freeze taking all the pictures in my backyard and the weak sun did not help much. Anyway, the pictures turned out awesome and I learnt a lot about how to organize a photoshoot and what kind of directions give to the model, etc...

from my last collection "L'Obscurité": "Dew" dress.
model: Mik Belmonte Photography: myself

What else? Well, I'll go back to my knitting... it's being a long time since I last made an amigurumi and I really miss doing it. So, I'll start again, or try at least... I still have a pile of homework for Uni... no matter, I'll make an effort, knitting is one of my relaxing activities so I MUST go back to it before I go mad with all the other stuff. creepy smile*
So, have a great weekend! :)

Today I've learn: getting up really early helps to discovering new things!
Hugs and smiles.


Saturday, 28 May 2011

Alter Diseño: REVOLUTION!


(1st design)


(2nd design)

(3rd design)


"Julie Bonaparte"

Well, here they are, my own designs for the past runway show.
The theme for this runway was "revolution" and I took it from the point of view of leaders, the people who are at the top of a revolution and put their face with courage in front of their people's enemy. And so, I created three dresses for three different female leaders: the first one "Lyra" represents the nasty part of the revolution, the moment people start to fight and everything is exposed to the world to hear. The second design "Joanne", represents the second stage of this revolution, when the fight and the courage turns vital because one fail movement can change everything... for bad or for good. And the third dress "Éowyn", is the complete female leader, the leader that achieved victory after a long long long fight, she is the revolution.
The dress at the top (the white one with red) is the prototype that every designer had to make, it was like the try-out of the whole collection and it was exposed at the beggining of the runway. The idea of it was representing the people behind the leaders, the people that leave their blood for the cause.
And, the last picture (at the bottom) is the dress I made for the photoshoot and represents the voice of the revolution.

I had the best of fun doing all this designs, I learnt a loooot from everyone involved in the runway (designers, photographers, models) and I felt really well, I felt complete... very complete. It was the best to watch the models with my designs on the runway, after so much work it was beautiful and so emotional. Oh, I do hope I can become a reconigsed designer... I'll work for it! :)

What else?? Oh, well, I'm designing an other dress, one for my new haute couture collection... it's a lot of work but it's getting soooo freakiing cool!
And, I bought a new camara, a beautiful Fujifilm S1600 that's my new best mate! I have this huge need of take photographs of everything.

I'll post more later... some random things perhaps.
Today I've learn: I love my watercolours!
Hugs and kisses.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

A friend's Giveaway

I am not used to post two days in a row but I was just invited to this wonderful giveaway from and I could not stop posting about it. Take a look at it, she's giving away such nice things! :) And she always stops by my blog and comments... such a sweetheart!

Well. That's it for now. I gotta go star resewing my dresses. Have a great end of weekend!

Today I've learn: I can buy clothe with my eyes...!
Kisses and more kisses

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Oh, well...

What?? I wasn't able to find any spare time since my last post... that's why I've been out of this blog of mine. But today something wonderful happened and I wanted to shout it out somewhere.

Today, this very afternoon, I took the bus and went to the city where I was going to meet the models that are going to wear our designs this May 14th. I was so freaking nervous, so excited!! Suddenly I found myself -and other eight people at least- trying to put skirts and tights and jackets to this beautiful young models in some tiny bathrooms. The first one I wanted to try was the one I am gonna show as the grand finale of my collection, the most difficult one, the one I was most scared of and... IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME!!! I don't like to show off the things I do but this time I will: I am so very proud of myself, of what I did with my imagination and dedication and my magical-fingers-that-can-do-everything! :D
Yes, I am very happy!
About the other first two designs... are OK but no so much so, I'm gonna remake some things, resew some others and through away others as well. I still have one week until the big day of the Runway Show so I'm taking it easy.

What else?? oh, yeah, I am very happy. Oh, and I'm getting to the end of The Lord of the Rings: The return of the King and I'm very sad, I don't want it to end!!!!! Could JRR Tolkien write an other novel?? :)

Gotta go now, gonna make pizza.
Have a great weekend! Today I've learn: I really have 3D imagination!!!!!
Hugs and stars.


Saturday, 16 April 2011

Happy Birthday Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin!!!

Today, April 16th , it's the anniversary for Chaplin's birthday. Why do I post about him?? Well, because I absolutely love him, I love his films, short films, music, writings, his whole talent and art!! I admire him so much, as an artist and as a person that was very involved in the world he was living in. I mean... his acting is just amazing, he also composed music and wrote his movies. I could keep talking about how much he inspires me but I think this video I found says everything for me.

Other news:
-Oh, well, I'm sewing like a mad girl, really mad!! The runway show is nearly here and I'm very excited, very very very excited (and busy as well)! I think it's gonna be pretty awesome, very artistic and beautiful.
-Next Friday I'll be going to the Book Fair with some friends. I saved enough money to buy a mountain of lovely books, I don't have a complete idea what to buy but I'm sure I'll be shouting and pointing everywhere I see a nice title.
-I's a lovely day to be out... I think I'll sew outside :)

Anything else??
Oh yeah, I'm gonna make a "Book lovers never go to sleep alone" t-shirt for me now. ♥

Have a great weekend.
Today I've learn: Chaplin was about to receive a Novel Prize.
Kisses and Chaplin's smiles.

PS: Happy birthday maese Chaplin!! ♥♥♥

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Bright Star - First Kiss

Keats: I had such a dream last night! I was floating above the trees, with my lips connected to those of a beautiful figure. For what seemed like an age, flowery treetops sprung up beneath us and we um, rested on them, with the lightness of a cloud.

Fanny:Who was the figure?

Keats: [Sighs] I must have had my eyes closed, because, I can't remember.

Fanny: And yet you remember the treetops?

Keats: Not so well as I remember the lips.

Fanny: Who's lips? Were they my lips?

Some romance in this blog won't hurt.
Today I've learn: I really like experimenting with shapes and fabrics on my maniquin.
Sugar kisses. Safi.

Sunday, 27 March 2011


I've always loved celebrating my birthday, cooking and baking and cleaning and getting everything ready for my guests. Yesterday, it was my 21st birthday. Can't believe it yet, how can I be this age. But, suddenly and unlike other people, I do not feel old, I feel young, so very young and free and full of energy to spare and give to the world. I want to jump, and run, and ride my bike, and travel, and give a kiss, receive a kiss, scape, return, have a lot of many different experiences. I feel like I have the world all in one same path, all waiting for me to put my boots on and walk through it until my star lights out. I think, I think I'm gonna do it... I'm gonna put my boots on and walk straigh to whatever it comes, always with a smile ^^

A lot of people came home to celebrate my bday. I loved at one moment when I stopped carrying juice and coffe and looked how everyone where laughing and talking and eating, so happy, so gathered, all of them there with me creating this small and safe place in the world where everything was perfect and happy and sweet.
I thank them all like a thousand times but I still feel I can thank them more, they made me so happy and I'm not sure they understood how important they are for me, how wonderful was for me to be there with me around this pink with green words cake (carried by Hagrid of course!).

It's been a year since I started this blog. A year!! And I learnt a looooot of things, silly ones and important ones. This year, nevertheless, I feel is gonna be so much better, so more full of experiences -even maybe a kiss-. I'm so excited!

Alright, this is everything for now.
Today I've learn: I do love people, I do I do.
Kisses and hugs, Safi.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Great news!!!

It's been a while since I last wrote here... I didn'have much to update except my complains for this hot Summer. But, just an hour ago I recieved the best news so far, and I immediately thought I should write somewhere all about it .
My Design teacher sent me this e-mail with all the info about the coming runway show all his students' gonna have and, within all its timetables there was the date of the runway: May 14th. I probably should remind you that I only started with Fashion Designing last year (I always loved drawing outfits but never took it seriously) and I'm already in this group my teacher created for Independent Designers... so, guess my surprise and happiness regarding all this matter!!!

I must immediately get to work, look for inspiration, choose the colours, the music, make-up, everything to create the perfect Autumn-Winter Collection 2011 in this planet!!! Well, maybe not so much but at least to create a really good A/W Collection... but who knows, maybe it can be the best in this planet. Ok, I'm daydreaming again. Back to earth... a bit.

Alright pals, this is the big news I got to write about. Hope you can join my happiness! I'll try to update all about my A/W Collection as much as I can, illustrations, inspiration, photography, anything that comes to mind at the moment of the creation.

Have a nice week!!!
Today I've learn: sewing books for too long make you fingers ache.
Kisses and smiles.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Menu of Inspiration

I was going through some shit days... I smiled and painted and illustrated as anything was happening but I was blue. Just idiocies about love. Just that. So, as I'm feeling much better now and need to organize some things I'll post some of the things that are inspiring right now (some always inspires me!).

Alexa Chung.

Maggie Gyllenhaal in the movie Nanny McPhee: the Big Bang.


Late 19th century.

Artist and illustrator Arthur Rackham.


This is some of the things I've been sorrounding with, it came out several things, cute, vintage, and weird things... that I'll be posting soon, of course :P
I've taken from Alexa Chung her style and her beautiful personality, from Maggie Gyllenhaal performing in the movie Nanny McPhee: the Big Bang her clothe and bright colours. From Mori-girls is of course all her culture and the kinds of things they are used to use like cotton clothe, some fur and things that have to do with forest and animals and books. The late 19th century had amazing fabrics and what I like the most is the female figure, so... beautiful. While I took the colours and the style of drawing of Arthur Rackham (whom I deeply admire). Last but not least I choose as "the" food for this menu of Inspiration: pies or tarts, because they're just too delicious. XD

Alright, tomorrow I'll be visiting my friend Sole because she told me she had some clothe that belonged to her grandma that she wanted to give me!... I'll tell you then what I got. :P

Today I've learn: playing Jumanji after a long while is very difficult!
Sugar Kisses.